About Coni Thomas Walbert

Coni has always enjoyed finding creative solutions for problems (solving puzzles) and creating processes so things run effortlessly with a dash of event planning (who doesn’t love a good party?). When everyone else is running around with their hair on fire, Coni likes to be the one holding the bucket. She approaches business problems with logic, serenity, and a fierce commitment to the agreed upon schedule. Whether in classrooms, boardrooms, or workshops, Coni pays keen interest to the strengths that her fellow teammates bring to the table so she can identify and encourage the best person for a specific job. Coni’s a frequent citizen of the web, of dinner parties, and the Atlanta music festival scene. She likes costumes, quirky design, and DIY projects. Coni doesn’t shy away from challenges, and she’ll organize the heck out of anyone else’s until it’s done.
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