Documentation – you know you need it, but where do you start? Check out my handy Top 10 Secrets of Awesome Documentation to jumpstart your efforts.

  1. Not just words. Video, diagrams, screenshots, and flowcharts are all great!
  2. Make it searchable.
  3. Free of jargon and $20 buzzwords. “Paradigm shifting synergies”? Ugh!
  4. Regularly updated and your users know when a given portion was last updated.
  5. Accessible to your users no matter where they are.
  6. Easy to organize and maintain.
  7. Concise: Revise. Revise. Revise.
  8. Good revision history tracking. “When did we change that checkbox to a picklist?”
  9. Part of your process. Work isn’t “done” unless it’s documented.
  10. Not just for other people! Do you remember what you did 6 months ago and why?

This is just a taste.

Join me and Mike Gerholdt in a webinar on March 30th at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET as we go over best practices, and an overview of how you might use a wiki, specifically, Google Sites, to create awesome documentation.

Register for the webinar here.

document all things!